Doing the best for your Cincinnati business: Buying used office furniture.



Contrary to what Kermit the frog said, it actually can be easy to be green. On top of being easy, it can also save your business money. Most of the time, we don’t use green practices simply because it’s not our custom… we weren’t raised to conscientious of every piece of paper that moves through an office, and aside from concern for keeping bills lower, I’m sure most of us weren’t taught to minimize use of water and power for the sake of the environment. They say you can’t teach a dog new tricks, however, much of what the green movement is about is to make decisions that require the same effort as the decisions you’ve always made—just more environmentally friendly solutions that you perhaps did not think about. At Integrity Wholesale Furniture, we strive to make the green approach to things simple and cost effective for your Cincinnati business.

It all starts with getting you what you need. Most businesses go to retail products (and prices… ouch!) because they don’t expect to find products that are from the right brand, that look the way they want, and they also have concerns about quality of used furniture. Even if these conditions are right, there’s still the concern that the amount for a good looking, lightly used, brand name piece of furniture might only be slightly less expensive than just buying new.

We are here to dispel these kinds of myths. We consistently offer a wide variety of brand name used office furniture, and if we don’t have it, most of the time we can get it for you. Still worried about quality? In most cases, if it’s not 8/10 quality or better, we don’t resell it, because we want the furniture we sell to ensure that you are confident in your purchase. Speaking of purchases, most businesses save at least 50% on the new retail price on their total purchase, and in many cases their savings go above and beyond.

With furniture prices costing approximately $3000-$5000 per person on average per company, refurnishing your office can be an astronomical endeavor if you’re buying new. Let’s take an example… assuming our prices are half of the average (per person) [{(3000+5000)/2}/2], you’re looking at around $2,000 per person. If you have 25 employees, the cost difference between new and used would be $100,000 and $50,000, respectively. If you are starting a new branch, remodeling your existing one, or moving to a new location, that’s $50,000 dollars of extra capital you would have to work with… you could save it, re-invest it, hire another essential employee… anything else, with the only mild and intangible drawback being that the furniture isn’t coming “out of the box”, which is a fleeting sense of satisfaction.

When you add the additional benefits of knowing you’re doing right by the environment, purchasing from us becomes a no-brainer! Furthermore, we can give you the documentation you need from your purchase with us so that YOUR Cincinnati, Ohio business can start working towards LEED certification and green tax incentives. There are TONS OF REASONS to buy used office furniture!

If you are looking for cubicles, we have everything you could be looking for, from smaller telemarketing cubicles (like these Used HON CONCENSYS TELEMARKETING CUBICLES) to the more deluxe cubicles with more room to work (like these Used Herman Miller AO2 6×8 cubicles). Furthermore, if you don’t know what you’re looking for, we can help by sharing our expertise about the used office furniture industry to suggest exactly what your business needs. We also have a number of OTHER USED OFFICE FURNITURE SERVICES like space planning, interior design, and more to make sure your purchase is as hassle-free as possible.

If you’re looking for seating, we carry thousands of different seats from dozens of models at any given time. We have everything from the more basic Used Herman Miller Reaction Chairs, to more deluxe chairs like used Haworth X99 chairs. Most of our chairs have a variety of different settings to customize the user’s experience and make your employee’s work experience as healthy and efficient as possible!

Integrity Wholesale Furniture prides itself on offering the lowest rates and best service in the business. Our benefits go beyond what we touch and into the aspects of a purchase you might not think about at first, like having excellent and dependable relationships with our couriers, as well as worry free guarantees to make sure you are getting exactly what you wanted. Contact us today to find out how we can help your Cincinnati, Ohio business thrive by purchasing our used office furniture.

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